Salvation Army: Each month FBC fills a large box with non-perishable goods for those who are served by the Salvation Army.
Alberni Community and Women’s Services (ACAWS) – donations of sleepwear, food, toiletries can be put in the donation box in the hallway leading to our gym. They are brought to our local safe/transition house for women/children fleeing abusive relationships.
Care Homes: Music ministry is given to the various care homes in the Valley on a weekly and/or monthly basis.
NeighbourLink Read and Feed Programs in the Valley Schools: FBC people volunteer to help serve breakfast /read books to kids in the mornings at various schools. Donation box for family needs in the hallway going into the gym.
Thrift Stores: We thank those who volunteer in local thrift stores and donate items to the Bread of Life, the Attic, the SPCA and the Salvation Army.
PAGO Grannies: We thank those grannies who fundraise tirelessly for the Steven Lewis Foundation so that Grandmothers in Africa raising their grandchildren can feed, clothe and send the children to school. FBC has members in this organization.
Community Services like the firemen, City Hall, Heath Unit, police department, Hospice are given trays of homemade goodies around Valentine’s Day as a thankyou for the care they give to our community.
Farmers’ Market: Winter/Spring months will now see our local Farmer’s Market in the FBC gym from 9:00am to 1pm in the winter months; under the covered area in the back of the church in the spring, summer and fall months. Let’s support our local crafters, gardeners, bakers and farmers.